Legislative Day April 15
Our Future - April 15
Registration is FREE here:http://bit.ly/13SqOG6
When I was young I noticed differences between my family and other families in Clackamas County. Some were more affluent, somewent to better schools and had better health care, and some didn't. I asked myself, "who decides how our communities are shaped?"
I would like to personally invite you to participate in our APANO Legislative Day on Monday April 15th from 8am to 4pm at the Capitol in Salem. This is a unique and powerful opportunity to connect with your elected officials, work in partnership with our diverse Asian and Pacific Islander communities, and build your leadership skills.
Our day of action at the Capitol includes training, inspiring speakers, special recognition by the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House, and face-to-face visits with the elected officials who shape our communities. Registration is FREE at http://bit.ly/13SqOG6 or by emailing sokho@apano.org.
We know that all of us have a role in building a just and equitable world, and at APANO we envision Asian and Pacific Islanders being fully engaged in the decisions that affect our families, our children, our future. Our elected leaders have a special role in shaping our communities with the laws and budgets they pass that invest in our schools, health care and jobs. Will you join us on April 15th?
Over the next week APANO volunteers will be reaching out by phone, facebook and in-person to encourage you to attend and answer any questions you have. Our focus will be on HB 2611 - Cultural Competency for Health Professionals, HB 2517 - Driver License for COFA Pacific Islanders, and HB 2134 - Uniform Data Collection on Race, Ethnicity and Language.
Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like copies of our flyer to distribute.
Rev. Joseph Santos-Lyons
Executive Director
ps - Whether you are a seasoned activist or interested for the first time, we welcome you. Students interested in attending please contact us if you'd like a letter for your teacher.
Registration is FREE here:http://bit.ly/13SqOG6
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