Caring Package #2: Caring for Our Shared Futures
Date: 2020
Location: Online
Collaborators: Lillyanne Pham, Sloane Leong, Jenny M. Chu, Georgina Brooks, Mickey Sanchez, Vo Vo, and Hannah Kim
In July 2020, APANO’s Arts & Media Project produced its first Caring Package, a collection of artwork centered on care in the form of a digital zine. Our community has been searching for ways to expand, practice, bend, and embody care – care for ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities. For the 2020 East Portland Arts & Literary Festival, we are producing a second edition called Caring for our Shared Futures to continue offering care for our communities.
For this issue, we invited Asian, Pacific Islander, Black, and Indigeonous artists in Portland to create artwork that envisions a world that prioritizes their lives, cultures, and worldviews and imagines what a just and equitable future for all looks like.
We hope that you enjoy these visions. As we continue to heal together we hope that we can also build these futures into reality.
Download the full Caring Package here.